Human Resources

The Las Vegas City Schools' perception of a quality education starts with the personnel. With knowledgeable teachers and well trained administrators the district is able to provide an essential learning base to meet the needs of our students. The personnel is made of diverse individuals that bring a variety of learning techniques to challenge even the brightest minds in our district.
Application Forms
Other Documents
Family Medical Leave Policy/Request Form (FMLA)-all documents must filled out returned to Superintendent to be considered for leave approval.
Job Descriptions
The Las Vegas City Schools is an equal opportunity employer. The job descriptions identify general responsibilities and are not intended to be a complete list of all duties performed. The documents are subject to change in response to student demographics, staffing factors, funding variables, modified operating procedures, program/curriculum changes, and unforeseen events.
Non-Discriminatory Policy:

The Las Vegas City School prohibits discrimination against its parents, students, employees, and applicants for employment on the bases of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, gender identity, religion, reprisal, and where applicable, political beliefs, marital status, familial or parental status, sexual orientation, or all or part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program, or protected genetic information in employment or in any program or activity conducted or funded by the district.
Las escuelas del Districto Las Vegas City Schools prohíbe la discriminación contra sus padres, estudiantes, empleados y solicitantes de empleo por motivos de raza, color, origen nacional, edad, discapacidad, sexo, identidad de género, religión, represalias y, cuando proceda, las creencias políticas, estado civil, familiar o estado de los padres, orientación sexual, o la totalidad o parte de los ingresos de un individuo es derivado de cualquier programa de asistencia pública, o información genética protegida en el empleo o en cualquier programa o actividad o financiados por el distrito.

Title IX Information & Reporting:
Michael C. Yara
(505) 454-5770

504 Coordinators:


(505) 454-5740

Nancy Martinez
(505) 454-2727

Middle School

(505) 454-2728

High School

Desiree Garcia
(505) 454-2717

Rhea Martinez
(505) 454-2740
Useful Links
-US Department of Labor:

-NM Department of Workforce Solutions:

-NM Public Education Department:

-NM Educational Retirement Board:

-NM Workers' Compensation Administration:

-NM Attorney General's Office:
Contact Personnel

Human Resource Specialist
Phone: (505) 454-5721
NEA Information
Public Records Request
Employment Opportunities