District » Superintendent's Message

Superintendent's Message

Greetings from L. Larryssa Archuleta,RHS Graduation


          I hope this correspondence finds you doing well as we embark on a new year. We can all attest 2023 brought on its fair share of challenges, but with resilience and support we will continue to navigate unprecedented obstacles in the 2023-2024 school year.


          I am very excited, humbled and honored by this opportunity to be the Superintendent of the Las Vegas City Schools.  Through my years of working in education I have developed and refined a vision in which I invite you to share with me. My experiences include elementary education, Title I Reading K-8, Reading Specialist K-12, Bilingual Language Arts, SAT chair, dept. chair, instructional coach, coaching, athletic director, assistant principal, IEP administrator, principal, capital outlay resources, curriculum and federal programs director and now superintendent. This vision entails collaboration with everyone involved within our school district: students, staff, faculty, administration, our community and its leaders, to provide an education for our students that will prepare them for college and a fulfilling career. In order to realize this vision, we must work together and focus on student achievement through the use of data and planning.


RHS Senior Photo          This task will be accomplished by providing a rigorous curriculum, setting our expectations high, collaborating regularly, using our resources efficiently, supporting each other and continuously honoring the art of teaching.


          In our district, all students will be valued and respected. I expect the very best from every district employee and promise my best in return. It is a wonderful opportunity and a responsibility that we offer an excellent instructional program to every student within Las Vegas City Schools. This is our district, and we will advocate for our students together!


          I look forward to spending time with you in the field as I labor to promote positive coaching and encouraging professional development to each and every employee in our district. Please know that I am a proactive Superintendent who works towards excellence in education, focusing on student achievement, while striving to provide the necessary resources, support, collaboration and leadership to help you with your individual role in our district.

          I am committed to this vision and pledge my best efforts to moving it forward. I truly believe that together we can build one of the best school districts in the state of New Mexico. I thank you all in advance for your enthusiasm, hard work, and most importantly dedication.