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Message From The Director Of Co-curricular Activities
On behalf of our coaches, sponsors and student participants of co-curricular activities, Welcome to Las Vegas City Schools – Home of the Cardinals and Lady Cardinals!
Thank you for making the decision to support your child’s choice to participate in the Las Vegas City Schools’ Co-Curricular Activities program. All organized activities in life- whether it be work, play, or school related- place expectations on participants. It is always our goal to develop young men and women into the best people they can be, both as students in the classroom and as athletes competing on the field or court. We look forward to the upcoming school year with great anticipation and excitement. We will continue to work diligently to ensure we maintain our focus of using athletics and co-curricular activities as a means to enhance our students' educational experience.
The major goal of a co-curricular program is the same as any other educational program: To provide students with the opportunity to develop to their maximum potential and to teach life skills. The athletic program's success is based on commitment by students, parents, coaches, sponsors, and the school community. This commitment is exemplified through our student-athletes' off-season workouts and competitive participation, ongoing volunteer efforts of parents, and a relentless desire of coaches/sponsors to prepare students for challenges they will face during middle school, high school and beyond.
Our co-curricular activities program consists of 22 athletic teams and 30 clubs that functions under the rules and guidelines set forth by New Mexico Activities Association (NMAA). In addition to complying with its rules and regulations, we wholeheartedly embrace the commitment to sportsmanship expressed in its Sportsmanship Initiative Program – “Compete with Class” and will continue to strive to bring home a Director’s Cup to Robertson High School
Please keep in mind: Players are to play, coaches are to coach, officials administer the rules of the game to the best of their ability, and fans are encouraged to cheer in a positive manner for their team and show respect for their opponents. We strongly encourage all participants, both student-athletes and fans, to make note of this statement and govern yourselves accordingly.
Parents and fans are a tremendous asset to our athletic program, and we are extremely grateful for your cooperation, support, and loyalty. Once again, I thank you for continuing to be a part of our students’ lives by attending athletic events, co-curricular activity events and supporting Robertson High School.
Please visit our website Athletics – Athletics – Las Vegas City Schools for additional information regarding clubs and athletics.
Juan Carlos Fulgenzi
Director of Co-Curricular Activities
The Las Vegas City Schools District recognizes co-curricular activities as a part of the educational process of our students, and as an extension of that educational process. Participation in these activities provides opportunities for personal growth, skill development, socialization, creativity, and competitive experiences.
The goals of the co-curricular programs offered at Las Vegas City Schools are:
To teach attitudes of responsibility and cooperation by helping students understand that participation in co-curricular activities is a privilege that carries with it accompanying responsibilities.
To provide activities for learning self-discipline, loyalty, teamwork, cooperation, personal pride, school pride, team pride, respect for the rights of others, and the will to be successful.
To provide the opportunity and to encourage all students to participate and meet the healthy need for competition.
To encourage all students who participate in co-curricular activities to meet and exceed their potential.
To provide activities around which the entire school can rally, thereby developing school spirit and commitment.
To learn to place the unit team, squad, class and school above personal desires.